Sunday, August 31, 2014

Blessings to share!

God is so good! As you are going about your week remember that. When you keep His goodness to the forefront of your thoughts take action on it. Praise God for what he has done and has promised to do. Don't stop there, let the world know what He has done for you. Thats putting love in action, letting a lost and hurting world know what hope is, you have it share it! Remember we are all called to go out and share Jesus Christ that means we are all part of the ministry.

" O my soul, bless God.
From head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
don’t forget a single blessing!
He forgives your sins—every one.
He heals your diseases—every one.
He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence."
Psalm 103:1-5 (MSG)

Love and Blessings!

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