Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014

"Abraham didn't focus on his own impotence and say, "It's hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child." Nor did he survey Sarah's decades of infertility and give up. He didn't tiptoe around God's promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said. That's why it is said, "Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right." But it's not just Abraham; it's also us! The same thing gets said about us when we embrace and believe the One who brought Jesus to life when the conditions were equally hopeless. The sacrificed Jesus made us fit for God, set us right with God." Romans 4:19-25 (MSG)

We just read above that Abraham didn't focus on what couldn't happen, instead he focused on What God could do. ANYTHING! As we pray tonight keep FAITH built up not in what you can do or what other individuals can do but what God has already done. When he puts an idea into a person He already knew what the outcome would be! His plans are for success not failure. He picked each one of us before we were born for this time, this day. Don't hold back on what he has given you to do. Its a new season a season of growth not hibernation. Stepping up and stepping out.

love and blessings!!

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