Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Our True Value

"Our true value is based not on our behavior or the approval of others but on what God's word says is true. Our behavior is often a reflection of our beliefs about who we are. It is usually consistent with what we think to be true about ourselves (Prov 23:7). If we base our worth solidly on the truths of God's word, then our behavior will often reflect His love, grace, and power. But if we base our worth on our abilities or the fickle approval of others, then our behavior will reflect the insecurity, fear, and anger that comes from such instability."

So what is true about us the second we accept Christ, these things:

• I am forgiven. Col 2:13–14  

• I am a child of God. John 1:2; Rom 8:15

• I received Christ's KIND of life, eternal: John 5:24  

• I was delivered from Satan's domain and into the Kingdom of Christ: Col 1:13

• Christ came to dwell with me. Col 1:27; Rev 3:20

• I am a new Creation: 2 Cor 5:17  

• I am declared righteous by God: 2 Cor 5:21  

• I entered a love relationship w/ God: 1 John 4:9-11

• I am accepted by God: Col 1:19-22

Love and Blessings!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jehovah Nissi, The Lord my Banner of VICTORY!

We have at sometime or another felt maybe we did not have the knowledge or the strength to accomplish some task, but the point is we don't, on our own that is. When we remember that Jesus is our banner, the standard that goes before us to make you a conqueror.

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place." (2 Cor. 2:14). 

When God gave you a dream/vision to go out and serve Him, as a minister, teacher, preacher, or in the marketplace He didn't expect you to do it on your own! He sent us the Holy Spirit, holding up Jesus before us (our Banner) all things are not only possible but finished! Glory to God! Wherever you go remember it's not you, but Jesus! With Him before us there is nothing impossible!

Love and Blessings!


Sunday, February 15, 2015


 What is one of the number one things we are supposed to do for one another? ENCOURAGE! Below is the definition of encourage along with some synonyms:

"Encourage, inspirit, hearten, embolden mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose. encourage suggests the raising of one's confidence especially by an external agency<the teacher's praise encouraged the students to greater efforts>. inspirit, somewhat literary, implies instilling life, energy, courage, or vigor into something <patriots inspirited the people to resist>. hearten implies the lifting of dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal <a hospital patient heartened by good news>. embolden implies the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance <emboldened by her first success, she tried an even more difficult climb>."

We encourage one another in many ways. Lets come together and pray for one another. Lift up specific ministries (and people) the Holy Spirit brings to you.

“So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11

This week be an encourager, starting now pray the Holy Spirit leads you to someone you can encourage. It doesn't have to be major, sometimes a simple phone call, or text saying “thinking of you”, or “love ya’ “ can make the world of difference in not only a persons day, but life. God is GOOD!

Love and Blessings!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Real Love

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:18-19

Are you teaching, modeling God's love to the children in your life? The best way to love our children is to love our Lord first....His love is PERFECT no lack, no disappointments. Pray for the younger generations around us to know His love first!

Love and Blessings!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do Not Become Discouraged!

 Let us each remember God’s promises of peace and protection for His people, both Jew and Christian. Lay claim to the promise no fear allowed! Pray diligently for our nation, now is not the time to give up or become discouraged a new awakening to God and His purpose for this land is beginning take your place! Love one another, stay focused on His plan not our own, ask for direction in your personal prayer times. Big changes are on the horizon reach out and grab hold, it’s not just about us as individuals but we as the Church.

“I will give you peace in the land, and you will be able to sleep with no cause for fear. I will rid the land of wild animals and keep your enemies out of your land.” Leviticus 26:6

“And I will provide a homeland for my people Israel, planting them in a secure place where they will never be disturbed.” 1 Chronicles 17:9

Love and Blessings!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Salt and Light

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." 
Matthew 5:13-16 (NLT)

Praying this week that we may all be salt and light to the world around us. As Christians we need to be adding flavor to the lives around us joy, hope, peace those things that truly only come from our Father. Shine His light do not try and hide it be who He meant you to be!
